
Study in Germany

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Study in Germany

As an international student, you surely have many questions if you want to study in Germany.
What do I have to do and when?

Step by step how to study at a German university!

    Step 1 - Find programme and university
    Step 2 - Meet the requirements
    Step 3 - Finance your studies
    Step 4 - Apply for your programme
    Step 5 - Enter and stay in Germany
    Step 6 - Find accommodation
    Step 7 - Get help
    Step 8 - Enrol at your university
    Step 9 - Take care of the formalities
    Step 10 - Organise your studies


Destination Germany: A
Pocket Guide for
International Students

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Study in Germany - Information
Students in Canada
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International Degree Programs
in Germany

Search online for degree programs in Germany
designed to accommodate international
students in all fields at all levels of higher education
Program Search Engine
Doing a Doctorate in Germany
Overview of the requirements,
programs and career prospects for those
interested in completing a doctorate in Germany.

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Germany a Great Place for Knowledge – Engineering
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Summer Schools in

Comprehensive catalogue of advanced summer courses in German language and special topics at German universities (Grants available)
Summer Course Search Engine
Studying in Germany: A Good
Choice for Your Child

15 Questions and Answers for Parents
Download PDF
Studying in Germany
A Practical Guide for International Students
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